Computing (factorial) moments of a given order of phase-type distributed random variables.

moments(object, i, all = FALSE)



either a continuous phase-type distributed object of class contphasetype or a discrete phase-type distributed object of class discphasetype.


a positive number stating the order of the desired moment


a logical value indicating whether the function should compute all moments up to the given order. The default is equal to FALSE.


Mogens Bladt and Bo Friis Nielsen (2017): Matrix-Exponential Distributions in Applied Probability. Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling (Springer), Volume 81.


For all = FALSE, the function either returns the \(i\)'th-order moment (if the object is continuous phase-type distributed) or the \(i\)'th factorial moment (if the object is discrete phase-type distributed). In both cases, the length of the output is one. For all = TRUE, the function computes all (factorial) moments up to the given order, hence the output is a vector of length \(i\).


In the discrete case \(( \tau ~ DPH(initDist,P) )\), the factorial moments are given by $$E[\tau(\tau-1) ··· (\tau-i+1)] = i! initDist P^(i-1) (I-P)^(-i) e,$$ where initDist is the initial distribution and \(P\) is the sub-transition probability matrix. For \(\tau ~ PH(initDist, T)\), the \(i\)'th-order moment is defined as $$E[\tau^i] = i! initDist (-T)^(-i) e,$$ where initDist is again the initial distribution and \(T\) is the sub-intensity rate matrix. In both cases, \(e\) is a vector with one in each entry.


## Using the function moments() to compute the mean ## and variance of a phase-type distribution ## For n=4, the time to the most recent common ancestor is ## phase-type distributed with initial distribution initDist <- c(1,0,0) ## and sub-intensity rate matrix T_Mat <- matrix(c(-6,6,0, 0,-3,3, 0,0,-1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) ## Defining an object of type "contphasetype" TMRCA <- contphasetype(initDist, T_Mat) ## Computing all moments up to order 2 m <- moments(TMRCA, i=2, all = TRUE) ## We get the desired numbers m[1]
#> 1 #> 1.5
#> [1] 1.5
m[2] - m[1]^2
#> 2 #> 1.138889
#> [1] 1.138889
## For theta=2, the number of segregating sites plus one is ## discrete phase-type distributed with initial distribution initDist <- c(1,0,0,0) ## and sub-transition probability matrix P_Mat <- matrix(c(0.4, 0.3, 4/30, 2/30, 0, 0.5, 2/9, 1/9, 0, 0, 2/3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2/3), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE) ## Defining an object of type "discphasetype" S_Total <- discphasetype(initDist, P_Mat) ## Computing all moments up to order 2 m <- moments(S_Total, i=2, all = TRUE) ## We get the desired numbers m[1]
#> 1 #> 4.666667
#> [1] 4.666667
m[2] + m[1] - m[1]^2
#> 2 #> 9.111111
#> [1] 9.111111