Constructing phase-type representations

discphasetype(initDist, P_Mat)

contphasetype(initDist, T_Mat)



a vector holding the initial distribution of the phase-type distribution. Hence initDist should satisfy that all entries are non-negative and the sum of the vector must be less than or equal to 1.


A sub-transition probability matrix satisfying that all entries are non-negative. Furthermore, P_Mat should be a square matrix, which determinant is different from zero. All rows in P_Mat should sum to a number less than or equal to one, and the length of the initial distribution has to be equal to the number of rows of P_Mat.


A sub-intensity rate matrix. The matrix must be invertible, all diagonal entries must be negative and all non-diagonal entries must be non-negative. Also for each row the sum of the entries must be non-positive. Furthermore, the length of the initial distribution has to be equal to the number of rows and number of columns of T_Mat.


discphasetype returns a list of class "discphasetype", while contphasetype returns a list of class "contphasetype". Both lists hold

  • initDist : The initial distribution

  • P_Mat/T_Mat : The sub-transition/sub-intensity matrix


discphasetype creates an object of class "discphasetype", i.e. the object represents a discrete phase-type distribution. contphasetypecreates an object of class "contphasetype", i.e. the object represents a continuous phase-type distribution.


  • discphasetype: Creating an object of type discphasetype

  • contphasetype: Creating an object of type contphasetype


## For n=4, the time to the most recent common ancestor is ## phase-type distributed with ## initial distribution initDist <- c(1,0,0) ## and sub-intensity rate matrix T_Mat <- matrix(c(-6,6,0, 0,-3,3, 0,0,-1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) TMRCA <- contphasetype(initDist, T_Mat) ## For theta=2, the number of segregating sites plus one is ## discrete phase-type distributed with ## initial distribution initDist <- c(1,0,0,0) ## and sub-transition probability matrix P_Mat <- matrix(c(0.4, 0.3, 4/30, 2/30, 0, 0.5, 2/9, 1/9, 0, 0, 2/3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2/3), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE) S_Total <- discphasetype(initDist, P_Mat)