Mean and variance for both the discrete and continuous phase-type distribution with initial distribution equal to initDist and sub-transition/sub-intensity matrix equal to P_Mat/T_Mat.





an object for which the mean or variance should be computed. To be able to use these function,the object has to be of class discphasetype or contphasetype.


Mogens Bladt and Bo Friis Nielsen (2017): Matrix-Exponential Distributions in Applied Probability. Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling (Springer), Volume 81.


phmean gives the mean and phvar gives the variance of the phase-type distribution. The length of the output is 1.


In the discrete case, the phase-type distribution has mean $$E[\tau] = initDist (I-P_Mat)^{-1} e + 1 - initDist e,$$ where initDist is the initial distribution, P_Mat is the sub-transition probability matrix and e is the vector having one in each entry. Furthermore, the variance can be calculated as $$Var[\tau] = E[\tau(\tau-1)] + E[\tau] - E[\tau]^2,$$ where $$E[\tau(\tau-1)] = 2 initDist P_Mat (I-P_Mat)^{-2} e + 1 - initDist e.$$ In the continuous case, the phase-type distribution has mean $$E[\tau] = initDist (-T_Mat)^{-1} e,$$ where initDist is the initial distribution and T_Mat is the sub-intensity rate matrix. Furthermore, the variance can be calculated in the usual way $$Var[tau] = E[tau^2] - E[tau]^2,$$ where $$E[\tau^2] = 2 initDist (-T_Mat)^{-2} e.$$

See also


## We reproduce Figure 3.3 in John Wakeley (2009): ## "Coalescent Theory: An Introduction", ## Roberts and Company Publishers, Colorado. ## We define vectors holding the means and variances VecOfMeansMRCA <- replicate(20,0) VecOfVarsMRCA <- replicate(20,0) VecOfMeansTotal <- replicate(20,0) VecOfVarsTotal <- replicate(20,0) ## For n=2, we have that the initial distribution is initDist = 1 and ## the sub-transition probability matrix is T_Mat = -1 for T_MRCA and ## T_Mat = -1/2 for T_Total, ## hence TMRCA <- contphasetype(1,-1) TTotal <- contphasetype(1, -1/2) ## The mean is now VecOfMeansMRCA[2] <- phmean(TMRCA) VecOfMeansTotal[2] <- phmean(TTotal) ## and the variance is VecOfVarsMRCA[2] <- phvar(TMRCA) VecOfVarsTotal[2] <- phvar(TTotal) # For n=3, we have that the initial distribution is initDist = c(1,0) ## and the sub-transition probability matrices are T_Mat_MRCA = matrix(c(-3,3,0,-1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) T_Mat_Total = matrix(c(-2,2,0,-1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)/2 ## for T_MRCA and T_Total, respectively. ## Defining two objects of class "contphasetype" TMRCA <- contphasetype(initDist, T_Mat_MRCA) TTotal <- contphasetype(initDist, T_Mat_Total) ## Hence the means are given by VecOfMeansMRCA[3] <- phmean(TMRCA) VecOfMeansTotal[3] <- phmean(TTotal) ## and the variances are VecOfVarsMRCA[3] <- phvar(TMRCA) VecOfVarsTotal[3] <-phvar(TTotal) for (n in 4:20) { ## The initial distribution initDist <- c(1,replicate(n-2,0)) ## The sub-intensity rate matrix T_Mat <- diag(choose(n:3,2)) T_Mat <- cbind(replicate(n-2,0),T_Mat) T_Mat <- rbind(T_Mat, replicate(n-1,0)) diag(T_Mat) <- -choose(n:2,2) ## Define an object of class "contphasetype" obj <- contphasetype(initDist,T_Mat) ## Compute the mean and variance VecOfMeansMRCA[n] <- phmean(obj) VecOfVarsMRCA[n] <- phvar(obj) ## For T_total, we compute the same numbers ## The sub-intensity rate matrix T_Mat <- diag((n-1):2) T_Mat <- cbind(replicate(n-2,0),T_Mat) T_Mat <- rbind(T_Mat, replicate(n-1,0)) diag(T_Mat) <- -((n-1):1) T_Mat <- 1/2*T_Mat ## Define an object of class "contphasetype" obj <- contphasetype(initDist,T_Mat) ## Compute the mean and variance VecOfMeansTotal[n] <- phmean(obj) VecOfVarsTotal[n] <- phvar(obj) } ## Plotting the means plot(x = 1:20, VecOfMeansMRCA, type = "l", main = expression(paste("The dependence of ",E(T[MRCA])," and ", E(T[Total]), " on the sample size")), cex.main = 0.9, xlab = "n", ylab = "Expectation", xlim = c(0,25), ylim = c(0,8), frame.plot = FALSE)
#> Warning: Fontmetrik für das Zeichen 0xa unbekannt
#> Warning: Fontmetrik für das Zeichen 0xa unbekannt
points(x= 1:20, VecOfMeansTotal, type = "l")
text(23,tail(VecOfMeansMRCA, n=1),labels = expression(E(T[MRCA])))
text(23,tail(VecOfMeansTotal, n=1),labels = expression(E(T[Total])))
## And plotting the variances plot(x = 1:20, VecOfVarsMRCA, type = "l", main = expression(paste("The dependence of ",Var(T[MRCA]), " and ", Var(T[Total]), " on the sample size")), cex.main = 0.9, xlab = "n", ylab = "Variance", xlim = c(0,25), ylim = c(0,7), frame.plot = FALSE)
points(x= 1:20, VecOfVarsTotal, type = "l")
text(23,tail(VecOfVarsMRCA, n=1),labels = expression(Var(T[MRCA])))
text(23,tail(VecOfVarsTotal, n=1),labels = expression(Var(T[Total])))