Density, distribution function, quantile function and simulations for the phase-type distribution with initial distribution equal to initDist and sub-transition/sub-intensity matrix equal to P_Mat/T_Mat.

dphasetype(object, x)

pphasetype(object, x)

qphasetype(object, p)

rphasetype(object, n)



an object for which the density, distribution function, quantile function or random generation should be computed. To be able to use these function,the object has to be of class discphasetype or contphasetype.


a single non-negative quantile or a vector of non-negative quantiles.


a single probability or a vector of probabilities.


the number of observations (n>=1).


Mogens Bladt and Bo Friis Nielsen (2017): Matrix-Exponential Distributions in Applied Probability. Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling (Springer), Volume 81.


dphasetype gives the density, pphasetype gives the distribution function, qphasetype gives the quantile function, and rphasetype simulates from the distribution. The length of the output is equal to the length of the input, i.e. for dphasetype and pphasetype the length of the output is equal to the length of the quantile vector x, for qphasetype the output is of the same length as the input vector p, and rphasetype produces an output of length \(n\).


In the discrete case, the phase-type distribution has density $$f(x) = initDist (P_Mat ^ (x-1))t + (x=1)(1-sum(initDist)), $$ for integers \(x \ge 1\), where initDist is the initial distribution, P_Mat is the sub-transition probability matrix and t = (I-P)e. Furthermore, the distribution function is given by $$F(x) = 1- initDist (P_Mat ^ x) e + (x \ge 1)(1-sum(initDist)). $$ If the quantile \(x\) is a real number, the function will round the number down in order to obtain a natural number. In the continuous case, the phase-type distribution has density $$f(x) = initDist expm(x T_Mat) t, for x \ge 0 , $$ where initDist is the initial distribution, T_Mat is the sub-intensity rate matrix and t = -Te. Furthermore, the distribution function is given by $$F(x) = 1- initDist expm(x T_Mat) e, for x \ge 0. $$

See also


## We reproduce Figure 3.4 in John Wakeley (2009): ## "Coalescent Theory: An Introduction", ## Roberts and Company Publishers, Colorado. x <- seq(0,4, by=0.1) dist <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = length(x)) dist[2,] <- dphasetype(T_MRCA$n5, x) dist[3,] <- dphasetype(T_MRCA$n10, x) dist[4,] <- dphasetype(T_MRCA$n20, x) dist[5,] <- dphasetype(T_MRCA$n50, x) dist[6,] <- dphasetype(T_MRCA$n100, x) ## For n=2, the initial distribution is initDist = 1 and the sub-transition probability ## matrix is T_Mat = -1, hence the distribution is given by dist[1,] <- exp(-x) plot(x, dist[1,], type = "l", main = expression(paste("The distribution of ", T["MRCA"], " for n=2,5,10,20,50,100")), cex.main = 0.9, xlab = "x", ylab = expression(f[T[MRCA]](x)), xlim = c(0,4), ylim = c(0,1), frame.plot = FALSE)
points(x, dist[2,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[3,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[4,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[5,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[6,], type = "l")
x <- seq(0,15, by=0.1) dist <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = length(x)) dist[2,] <- dphasetype(T_Total$n5,x) dist[3,] <- dphasetype(T_Total$n10,x) dist[4,] <- dphasetype(T_Total$n20,x) dist[5,] <- dphasetype(T_Total$n50,x) dist[6,] <- dphasetype(T_Total$n100,x) ## For n=2, the initial distribution is initDist = 1 and the sub-transition probability ## matrix is T_Mat = -1/2, hence the distribution is given by dist[1,] <- exp(-x/2)/2 plot(x, dist[1,], type = "l", main = expression(paste("The distribution of ", T["Total"], " for n=2,5,10,20,50,100")), cex.main = 0.9, xlab = "x", ylab = expression(f[T[Total]](x)), xlim = c(0,15), ylim = c(0,0.5), frame.plot = FALSE)
points(x, dist[2,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[3,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[4,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[5,], type = "l")
points(x, dist[6,], type = "l")
## Simulating ten total branch lengths ## for a sample of size 5 rphasetype(T_Total$n5, n=10)
#> [1] 7.690406 1.530002 3.659695 4.351582 3.250653 3.566085 2.789474 1.168513 #> [9] 3.406250 2.999922