Project for developing a permutation function.


In the case that after installing the package R prints an error about corruption of the package you can solve the issue by:

  • Restating R and loading package again
  • Remove and Reinstall package from github

Team setup


  • Project Manager


  • Documentation execute
  • Quality executive

Explaination of the project:

We want to make a package, that can make permutations for data, that needs a non-parametric method. It needs to be able to permute a dataset and compare observed statistical value with permuted values.In addition, it needs to be able to make a different number of permutations conditional on what is chosen. We want it to be able to calculate different statistical values for making a p-value depending on what is chosen for the dataset.Moreover,we want it to compute a p-value, that tells us how likely our observed statistical value is. Also, we want a function to plot our permuted values nicely with the observed statistical value to get a nice graphical representation of it and get a visual idea of how significant it is. Finally, We want it to be able to check, if the data can be used in a parametric test, then we want to break the function and say that permutation takes “this” many iterations (lot of time) and that it might be better to do a parametric test.