Welcome to AuMath-AdvancedR 2019!
This is the front page of a GitHub organization for a course on advanced R programming, run in fall semester 2019 at the maths department of Aarhus university.
We were 17 students and one course organizer (Ute Hahn). During the course, student teams developed R packages on various, self chosen topics. Using the pkgdown
R package, they also created web pages introducing their packages. Below are links to selected packages.
Packages for evolutionary genetics modelling
- PhaseTypeGenetics Phase type distributions, theory and simulation.
- ticphasetype Core functions from phase-type theory that are useful in the analysis of biological data.
- simDNA Simulating DNA sequences according to different evolutionary models.
Computational statistics packages
- Sampling Permutation tests and bootstrap intervals.
- Permutation1 Permutation tests, with a focus on tests for linear models.